1998 born in Jena.
2006 School/A-Levels in the Teck region – Baden Württemberg.
2018 back in Jena, for professional training as a media designer.
2021 successful completion of training.
… working as a media designer since then



First language

Advanced knowledge
(British English)

Very advanced knowledge

Very advanced knowledge

Very advanced knowledge

Very advanced knowledge

Advanced knowledge

Advanced knowledge

Seldom usage

Very advanced knowledge

Advanced knowledge

Friendly neighbourhood

I like to say that I „make beautiful things/make things beautiful“ and who is not happy about something beautiful?

But to make it truly „beautiful“, I work in a goal- and efficiency-oriented, professional and openly communicative way.



... It is particularly important to me personally to present my thought processes and points of view in a comprehensible way in order to create the basis for discussions, for example.

... as a pillar for openness, understanding and constructive work. It is all well and good to present my own point of view, but unfortunately it is of little use if one does not even try to understand the other perspectives. For what is the point of a constructive basis if one is not prepared to build on it?

... means creating something new from something that already exists. That's why I regularly engage with what's going on in the design and web world. To develop new solutions and possibilities, or to combine old/new knowledge.

... because you should never stop wanting to learn. Admittedly, I almost get on my own nerves when I question myself for the umpteenth time, but it helps me to learn from mistakes, to develop further and to respond better to others.